VS2005 compiler compatibility issue with VLC1.1.4

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 65
Joined: 03 Aug 2010 21:03

VS2005 compiler compatibility issue with VLC1.1.4

Postby hussam_2000 » 08 Nov 2010 16:52

Good morning,

I finally got VLC1.1.4 to work with my stand alone MFC C++ project (using VS2008 with SP1). However, when I try to embed VLC with an existing project that was developed with VS2005-SP1 I get the following error message:

“ These DLLs could not be loaded by ProjectManager:

ProjectManager is one class that takes care of data initialization and calls my plug-in ( DLL) VLC_Player. One of my coworkers told me it is a compiler issue so how can I fix this problem?

Thank you - Sam E

PS. Dont ask why im using MFC :(

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 6
Joined: 01 Nov 2010 19:12

Re: VS2005 compiler compatibility issue with VLC1.1.4

Postby JoeBlah » 10 Nov 2010 16:52

Do you have a link to the project you are trying to compile?


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