Building font cache...

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New Cone
New Cone
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Building font cache...

Postby gbrsdf » 12 Oct 2010 13:56

When I am opening video (any file supported format video) appear message: Building font cache.
the vlc player is hanging. That enrage me! How turn off that don't appear this message?
Please correct me if mistakes in the post.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 41
Joined: 04 Oct 2010 09:23

Re: Building font cache...

Postby secathom » 13 Oct 2010 15:23

known issue. look here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=78236&hilit=building+font+cache. Please browse thru the forum before posting, sometimes ur question was already asked, and maybe given an answer.



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