Videostreaming - what is possible?

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Videostreaming - what is possible?

Postby guest0815 » 26 Mar 2005 14:50


My beginnings with video streaming - so I have some questions:

It seems, that VLC has no text-only streaming tool - so X is required everytime - right?

There is no further development planned on VLS - everybody should use VLC?

Is it possible to stream the Input from a simple bt848 videodecordercard with VLC?

Thank You

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Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
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Re: Videostreaming - what is possible?

Postby fkuehne » 27 Mar 2005 00:47

It seems, that VLC has no text-only streaming tool - so X is required everytime - right?
Nope. VLC features a RC-interface which can run in a normal command-line such as bash, tcsh, etc. or even through a telnet-connection. Additionally, there is a ncurses-interface (a GUI-like interface in a command-line) which does not require X or any other window-server as well. You'll need one for displaying a video of course, but for audio or streaming, RC and ncurses are fine.
There is no further development planned on VLS - everybody should use VLC?
Yes, that's it. There are only very rare circumstances which force you to continue to use VLS. VLC is almost able to do the same things as VLS, even streaming multiple streams at the same time within one instance.
Is it possible to stream the Input from a simple bt848 videodecordercard with VLC?
No clue. I got no experience on this topic. What I heard and read is that VLC supports all V4L-acquisition-cards under Linux and most DirectShow-devices under Win32.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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