I love VLC but i just dont use it as much as KMPlayer these days for only 1 reason. I like being able to open a file through explorer or whatever means and then have the player play all the files in that folder in order from whichever file i have currently opened plus know how many files there are in that folder that are playable at the moment. I am not sure if it makes much sense but that is the best i can put it. I tried doing a search on here but couldnt find any mention of it. Is VLC able to be configured to do that? At the moment for instance if i open a file from explorer, my player will tell me at the tope which file i am playing ie 5/10. So i am starting from the middle file (alphabetically) then once i finish the fifth file it will automatically play 6...etc until the end and at any time i can skip backwards to an earlier file like no.4 or no.3 etc. I cant do this in VLC without manually entering the whole folder in as a playlist everytime.... At least i couldnt find the setting that will allow me to do it. Is there one?