Proxy settings

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Proxy settings

Postby claudeH » 09 Sep 2010 16:59


we have implemented VLC in a java application that is delivered through Java Web Start.
The video files are reachables by using the protocol HTTP.
As my company has a proxy server VLC needs to be set with the proxy address and even with the login/password to work.
I do not understand why VLC cannot uses the current browser setting without having to indicate again this kind of information.

Is there any way to avoid that as when a browser is used there is not a manadatory to indicated anything. (I think that the authentification steps have already be done as soon as the windows session has been opened and/or a first access to Internet has been done.

Any idea?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 10 Sep 2010 02:14

It can't because nobody ever wrote the code.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby claudeH » 10 Sep 2010 09:44


Thanks for your answer.
It's really annoying. I cannot imagine ask our customers to indicate their login/password and above all the address of the proxy server.
Most of time people has no idea about what is a proxy server... so ask to indicate the server address and port number seems not really realistic.
It's not all, the policy rules settings actually applied in the companies ask people to change the password several times a year.
So even if the login/password is locally saved to avoid to ask them everytime as soon as you want simply play a video, this one will not work a little later.
There is also a security problem as the login/password can be silently sent to any hacker.

Some parameters regarding the proxy settings are available but seems not take into account.
For example you can set that the the proxy settings comes from IE apart if a script has been set (documentation). but why the parameter is dedicated to the usage of IE rather a default browser instead?

It's a shame that the network subject is treated like that, there is not so much solution that supports as many different protocol as VLC does(especially the HTTP one). that may just prevent to use VLC asap the videos are only available through an internet access.


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 11 Sep 2010 04:51

It's a shame that commercial users expect volunteer developers to implement "corporate" features (such as HTTP proxy settings).

You get what you paid for (zero) really.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 12 Sep 2010 16:39

Clearly. Pay someone to code what you need in VLC.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby claudeH » 13 Sep 2010 09:36


Sorry as my english is pretty poor, the term shame seems not really the best one I could use to tell what I would really say.

The remarks I made are just the reality of the access corporate networks. is it forbidden for a company to use VLC? I have not seen anything like that nowhere.
There remarks only aims to point what could prevent this great software to be used, no more!

Firstly I am in charge of a plenty of devlopment, I am not used to asking volunteer to make my job.
Secondly, I am not going to use vlc in any commercial purpose!where have you seen any information that allows you say that?
Thirdly I have not the needed competence to write by myself the missing code or behaviour. otherwise I'll do it without wasting time here to write topic for finally getting this kind of useful answers.

That's not a problem to me to pay something. So contact me if you think to be able to code that.
I am not looking for slave ;-)


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 14 Sep 2010 00:12

You can use VLC in ANY environment, corporate networks too.

But you cannot expect volunteers to code those functionnalities that only make sense in those networks.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

New Cone
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby claudeH » 14 Sep 2010 09:27

You are wrong. please try to read again what I wrote.

There is really nothing special in the "functionnalities" regarding the networks accesses. Most of company apply approximatively the same policy rules and have often a proxy server for which the authentification is required as well.

One more time it's really not a specifical need that interests only me. Most of important company works like that.

It's a pity that the HTTP protocol is well managed but the proxy is not. So much effort to manage that for finally not to be able to use it without having to set and set again at each profil changes.

but seems to write here is a definitively a waste of time.
Do not waste your time by answering to this last topic, it's not necessary anymore.

Sébastien Escudier
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Re: Proxy settings

Postby Sébastien Escudier » 14 Sep 2010 10:14

YOU should read again the answers.
What you need is needed in corporates environment only (we never said only in your company).
So if one of this company is interested in this, it can hire someone to write the code... instead of complaining here.

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