Error messages, and state problem [C++]

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Error messages, and state problem [C++]

Postby seif » 27 Aug 2010 12:55

I want to add a little client for streaming to my program but I have a problem detecting error, I try to recover error messages with a function but isn't work.
My code is:

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[...] libvlc_media_player_play (mp); raise();
where raise is:

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if(libvlc_errmsg()!=NULL){ stop(); sendError(libvlc_errmsg(),&QWidget()); }
I try to open false http direction and I don't obtain a error message.

Other problem is that I want to know when is buffering to show a progress bar. I use:

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libvlc_state_t st = libvlc_media_player_get_state(mp); if(st==libvlc_Buffering || st==libvlc_Opening){ if(ui.bufferingBar->value()<100){ ui.bufferingBar->setValue(ui.bufferingBar->value()+5); } else{ ui.bufferingBar->setValue(0); } }
This code work when my program's opening a stream but after it's opening, state always is "libvlc_Playing ".

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