sout transcode mono to stereo? (for raop)

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sout transcode mono to stereo? (for raop)

Postby gnippiks » 10 Aug 2010 01:18

Is it possible to transcode a single-channel audio stream to a two-channel audio stream (e.g. by duplicating the audio to both channels)?

The reason I need to do this is that the raop module (for streaming via Apple AirTunes) requires 2-channel, 44.1kHz ALAC audio as an input, but

Code: Select all

doesn't seem to convert a mono audio stream to stereo.

I posted some more details in the VLC for Mac OS X forum but I don't think this problem is Mac-specific.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: sout transcode mono to stereo? (for raop)

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Aug 2010 10:24

I am not sure we have the right filter to do so.
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