webcam stream on the internet....Re-Connection delay

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New Cone
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webcam stream on the internet....Re-Connection delay

Postby LittleG » 26 Jul 2010 18:33

goal: send personnal webcam stream to the internet, and read it through mobile phone or laptop with wifi connection.

-> it works ! :lol: thanks VLC's Team...
but, after a first successful connection, if i'd like to connect again, I often receive a error message (depends upon the player).
sometimes it never works again, sometimes it does after a while...

it always works through LAN,
parameters are:
rtsp, port 5544 ( NAT done ^^), works with DynDNS for the IP, codec MPEG4 200kb // AAC 22kb/1ch/44.1 ( I used a standard YouTube video's bandwith, that works on my mobile through GPRS, and that corresponds to the upload value of my ISP <40kBytes).

May someone explain how vlc closes a working connection, when stop key is pressed on the media player ? is there a latency time between a Stop received and an asking for a new connection ?

Thank you for your reply,

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