Slow-forward or frame-by-frame streaming of MPEG2 video

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New Cone
New Cone
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Slow-forward or frame-by-frame streaming of MPEG2 video

Postby europage » 20 Jul 2010 16:06


I've been struggling with this issue for a few days and I'll be really happy if you could give me some pointers.

I'm streaming MPEG-2 video over RTP from my application (developed over live555) to a VLC client. The original frame rate is 29.97 fps, but I need to show it frame by frame: one frame per second.
Everything works fine, except that instead of a frame per second, I see a frame every three seconds. I probably only see the P frames. Actually this makes sense, because I don't know any way to tell VLC to wait a second between each of the frames B-B-P. In the MPEG-2 headers I didn't find any place where a dynamic frame rate can be set (I need 1 fps).
So is there any setting that would allow VLC to show the frames as intended - one per second?


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 8
Joined: 23 Jul 2010 18:43

Re: Slow-forward or frame-by-frame streaming of MPEG2 video

Postby raulhcordeiro » 06 Sep 2010 22:03

Do you solve this problem? ... ps#p263076

I has the same problem: on low fps, the vlc stream client drop all frames and show no video.

Thanks for some help gye!

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