can not use VLC anymore!

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can not use VLC anymore!

Postby iaipi » 01 Mar 2005 21:42

HeLLo, i'm PhiL_use Mac osx 10.3.8 on a PowerBook G4 and one year later my favorite program is down! NEED HELP_i use it every DAY!!!!_after installing some new programs like "Skype" et "ivisit" wille my VLC was opened (i think so) i couldn't open any more movies_there is only "VLC" writen on the top bar menu and i can only choose: hide, show,quit..._i've reinstalled several times even the new version (0.8.1) there is no chage_it's like all options are missing! i also reinstalled my OSX 10.3.4, no chage_Here's my mail: iaipi@hotmail.com____if sombody has a proposition i'll just wait for it_it's the only program i found whitch can read any quind of files even unfinish downLoads_and i missed 4 that specific staffF

Posts: 7274
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Re: can not use VLC anymore!

Postby fkuehne » 01 Mar 2005 23:31

You should delete your preferences (both the folder "VLC" and "org.videolan.vlc.plist" in the preferences folder of your Library in your private user directory) and try to launch VLC again.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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