Write a DVD player, C# or otherwise

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New Cone
New Cone
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Write a DVD player, C# or otherwise

Postby 8rad » 10 Jun 2010 19:21

As part of my software I would like the ability to play video files that are found on the user's computer or DVD's from the dvd drive. What is the best way to go about doing this? I've been looking at the C# libVLC wrappers so far but have not found any of them to work. I'm still hoping to get the one by Tappen to work (see the developer wiki on .NET and libVLC, he says he based it on Oddysse). The error I'm getting is that it can't find libVLC. Could someone maybe give really detailed instructions for that that aren't already covered by the wiki?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Write a DVD player, C# or otherwise

Postby gnosygnu » 11 Jun 2010 05:33

Under the "otherwise" option, I would recommend using java and vlcj. (see the JVLC status thread)

I am a C# developer, but was able to get vlcj up and running fairly easily. I used Eclipse for my IDE, RapidSVN for my SVN GUI and I think that was pretty much it.
The JNA is similiar enough to P/Invoke that it should be easy to extend.

You can use the TestPlayer that's part of vlcj and set mediaPlayer.playMedia("D:\\MY DVD\\VIDEO_TS\\");

Hope this helps.

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