I am trying to export some DV videos to MPEG 4 and possibly Ogg and tried a few of the applications available for that task on the Mac.
It turned out that the filtering/denoising/sharpening VLC applies to the movie is pretty much exactly what I need for the task at hand (much better than iMovie or HandBrake for my purposes), so I'd very much like to use it for this task.
I tried doing this with both the 1.0.5 and 1.1.0-pre3 versions and it seems like the features are a bit flakey:
1.0.5/MPEG 4:
→ audio: no MPEG 4 audio offered
→ video: H.264 working fine
1.1.0-pre3/MPEG 4:
→ audio: MPEG 4 audio support is available but the sound quality is very poor with static/jittering noises all over
→ video: H.264 video appearing black when opening the file in QuickTime Player
→ playback of the video and audio halts all the time
→ video and audio seem to work all right.
So it looks like things are improving but I do wonder whether there's any hope of seeing this in a working shape soon-ish.
In case that plays any role the input material I am using are DV files coming straight from the camera. According to VLC their format is
video: DV Video 720x576 @ 25 fps (PAL)
audio: PCM S16 LE Stereo 32kHz 16bit
If you require additional information, please let me know and I'll try to find it out.
A bonus question: I read somewhere about there being a VLC command line tool as well. Would that be a good option for doing such conversions when wanting to batch convert a bunch of files? [OK, I figured out that all I need to do is use the binary inside the application bundle and add some command line options. Let's hope I'll manage to figure out the right ones for what I want to do…]