Auto Sequential Play

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 06 Mar 2010 04:35
VLC version: 1.0.5
Operating System: Linux Debian sid

Auto Sequential Play

Postby Beaverhead » 06 Mar 2010 04:55

Downloading multi episodes(Flash) from YouTube for a few years onto my hard
drive, NOT DVD's. Put them in a folder and labeled in correct
sequence. Click on the folder and they have always magically played
in the correct sequence, without stopping. Did some NEW ones today and the magic is gone!
The old ones still play non-stop in the correct sequence. I never
stopped to think, what does VLC look at to get in the correct sequence. Have I
just been lucky so far? VLC 1.0.5 Goldeneye on Debian sid updated NOW!

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 07 Mar 2010 22:34

Re: Auto Sequential Play

Postby ffaiajili » 07 Mar 2010 23:07

I've recently started playing Youtube downloads and have had no trouble getting them played in sequence if I put all the related ones in a folder, select 'Media' then 'Open File' and select 'Episode 1'. Then straight away 'Open File' the next episode and so on. In the Playlist they are displayed in the order I opened them. In the Playlist, from the 'Media' dropdown, select 'Save Playlist'. Give the new playlist file a name and put it in the same folder as the 'episodes'. Now whenever that playlist file is selected all the 'episodes' are played in the correct sequence.
Moving the folder or changing its name after creating a playlist file seems to cause problems. If you have to move it, make a new playlist file. It remembers the pathway to the files so if they are moved it can't find them.
It's annoying when the file name appears when the next episode starts. This can be disabled by going into Tools - Preferences - Video - Show Settings, All - and uncheck 'Show Media Title On Video'. (I'm using version 1.1.7)

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