Mac OS X logs stderr (and stdout? I am not sure) of bundled applications to a log file. I do not know if this is default behavior or it is something you have to enable but problem is that sometimes VLC outputs really a lot to stderr and saving all this outputs really slows the system. For example when playing some OGG files I get a lot of such errors:
Code: Select all
[0x0-0x224224].org.videolan.vlc[10484]: libdvdread: Can't seek to block 2275608646
and I get this for every block. So ... it is quite a lot to write down.
I have enabled "Be quiet" and set verbosity to 0 but it does not help. I think "Be quiet" should simply redirect stdout and stderr of a program to /dev/null and it would be.
(By the way, why playing OGG file uses libdvdread?)