Is there a way that VLC can Listen for incoming stream?

*nix specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 15 Aug 2009 07:39

Is there a way that VLC can Listen for incoming stream?

Postby markosjal » 18 Aug 2009 05:02

I have the need to originate video on a WIndows/VLC machine from anywhere in the world (could be a NATed LAN), then stream it out to a Linux/VLC Box on a public IP, where it could be transcoded and output to multiple clients.

The problem I see however is that VLC will not sit and listen, then WAIT for a stream, as I would need to do on the Linux/VLC box. From what I see it aborts and returns no error message.

This linux/VLC box would be acting as a server, much like a shoutcast server that just sits and waits till it receives a stream, and when it does it starts transcoding and making it available to whatever client wants to tune in.

In this case the content will originate from many different locations from dynmamic IP addresses (Windows/VLC), so we need to "send" the video to the fixed IP Linux/VLC box.

How is the .FLV output on the 0.9.4 version in Ububntu Linux 8.10? I have read some issues with VLC and FLV format , but I do not kn ow if/When they were ever fixed.



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