Just came across this problem with my flatmate's laptop and fixed it with a little digging.
Turns out if you mess up the file association in the registry slightly when the path to VLC is not short filename compatible (e.g. spaces, long that 8.3 characters, etc.), windows assumes that the program is expecting the short filename version (e.g. blabla~1.avi). This means that vlc is playing "blabla~1.avi" instead of "bla bla bla.avi", hence it is not looking for the subtitle files (e.g. "bla bla bal.idx", "bla bla bla.sub"), only for "blabla~1.idx" etc.
To fix this, go to regedit, and find the reistry key:
Code: Select all
and change it to include quotes around the path to VLC, e.g. change from:
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe "%1"
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "%1"
You may need to do this for other file types, e.g.
Code: Select all
Developers, this should be a fairly simple change in the installer if you're not already aware of it. See
http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archi ... 45072.aspx for more info.