Using Video lan server

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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Using Video lan server

Postby Viz » 16 Dec 2004 01:38


I have question is it possible to send from VLS to client using multicast or other ways so the client VLC software will start in upcoming stream and show it to user and after the multicast stream ends either minimizes of closes down?

Im bit lost understanding the VLS and VLC capabilities as trying to build streaming network server solution so it could multicast to several computers where software would start in recieving multicast from server. What are the bitreate limitations to multicast? Example high quality video as the network is gigabit lan it should not be a bottleneck?

Also is there possibility to use windows task or other ways to add VLS task automatically to start up in certain times? To stream example video1 or video 2?

Thanks in advance


Postby Viz » 16 Dec 2004 01:46

The thing what im trying to build is to have one server transmitting video over network and then having at least two recievers (both having same stucture with 10 TV sets or more) where the video will be recieved. Then from those computers the video will be broadcasted out using TV output composite to RF modulator and to ten different TV sets. Is this possible using VideoLAN?

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