playlist items

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playlist items

Postby mikesouthperth » 29 Jun 2009 09:00

Hi I want to have a smooth transition between clips in a playlist. At present i notice that when one clip has finished and before another one starts there is stopage and the small screen appears momentarily before returning to the view it was prior to the clip changing, any assistance appreciated

Big Cone-huna
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Re: playlist items

Postby CloudStalker » 11 Jul 2009 20:16

Um...this has been discussed many many times actually, there's no progress in this just yet. Usually, if user keeps all of the videos in the same format, all are .wmv or all are .mov, then the screen will stay open and transition more smoothly.

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Re: playlist items

Postby 3breadt » 14 Jul 2009 09:53

It's not about the same file format but about frame rate and video resolution afaik, as the video display has to always adapt to these changes. If these are the same in the several files then the video stays without interruption.
-- 3breadt (aka altglass)

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