I am using VLC player to view a MPEG2 video which is being broadcast from another machine on my network. The MPEG2 is being generated from a program called VRSG (Virtual Reality Scene Generator) made by a company called METAVR. According to the VRSG documentation the MPEG2 is being sent out over a UDP stream, at 30 FPs.
I am able to direct VLC player to the stream where it will cache a few seconds of video, but then it will stop. If i give it a couple of seconds and move the slider bar i can get the video to start playing again, but i can see that the time stamp is counting up way too fast. Once the video on VLC hits the same time stamp as VRSG the video stops.
I believe that the VLC player is playing the video at 35 or 40 FPS, not 30 FPS. Does anyone know how i can force VLC player to play the UDP stream at 30 FPS?
Thanks in advance!