Can't click buttons, almost frozen

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Can't click buttons, almost frozen

Postby dillingerdisco7 » 06 Jun 2009 03:37

So when i open VLC 0.9.9, i am only able to click on one thing before vlc will no longer let me do anything else. I am able to double click on a movie and it will come up, but i cant scroll, use play/pause/stop/forward/etc. I can click on mute, but then if i click anywhere else in the window itll just mute and unmute. The movie will continue to play, but im not able to click on file/tools/etc. If i reopen i can click on one more thing, if i click file the menu will come up, but then i cant control anything in the menu. The only button that constantly works is the corner x to close. The player has pretty much become useless and i have unfortunately had to return to using WMP. Any idea what i can do about this? I have also installed 1.0.0-rc2 and same thing, even downgraded, no dice.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 22 Jan 2009 00:28

Re: Can't click buttons, almost frozen

Postby dillingerdisco7 » 07 Jun 2009 19:01

I found out the problem, was wondering if i should submit some sort of report because its a bit of a biggie.

If you have TVersity Media Server installed and you opt to have their codec pack installed with it (its the default option) then you will have the same problem with VLC that i was having. Some sort of incompatibility between the two is messing up VLC. I uninstalled the codec pack, restart, vlc works. Reinstall, restart, vlc doesnt work. Tried on two different computers with the same results, just a heads up.

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