Media Player Classic vs VLC

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New Cone
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Media Player Classic vs VLC

Postby gimpo » 28 Nov 2004 20:50

I've been using VLC for along time now and someone suggested I use Media Player Classic. He wasn't able to give me a direct good reason why to switch over. I like vlc because pratically all the video files work on vlc. Even when some other media players won't play them vlc will. Now to my question has anyone used Media Player Classic and was satisfied with how it runs? More specifically how well it runs video files?

The DJ
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VLC version: git
Operating System: Mac OS X
Location: Enschede, Holland

Postby The DJ » 02 Dec 2004 22:01

MPC is basically a replacement for the Windows Media Player, no more.
VLC on the other hand is not. It isn't only a different program, it also uses it's own decoders etc etc.

MPC basiclly is a different interface for the same Media framework.
VLC takes along a completly different and private Media framework.

Both have their advantages, both their problems..

1: with VLC you know what you get. It's a protected environment with a known (large) set of decoders.
2: This also however makes VLC not easily upgradeable. if you install a new codec, VLC will not be able to use it and MPC will be. For VLC you will have to wait until the VLC team adds this codec to their application.

It's your choice, but in my experience using each one for tasks the other won't do suits me best.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 04 May 2004 18:38

Postby gimpo » 03 Dec 2004 00:34

thanks for explaining it to me. i was thinking the same thing because he told me that it was a single file to run the MPC. So i was wondering where it was getting it's codecs from.

thx for the info. I think i will stick to vlc windows does a crapy job running some movies. they always seem to work on vlc.

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