http fullscreen toggle fails when deinterlace on

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 47
Joined: 01 Jul 2008 10:01

http fullscreen toggle fails when deinterlace on

Postby rocket888 » 21 Apr 2009 09:05

I've got two versions of vlc, .099 and .096 and both have this problem that if I turn on deinterlacing, fullscreen toggle through http fails (works if delinterlace is off). I can toggle fullscreen, but only by using the mouse directly (d-click or choose fullscreen menu item). Nothing is reported in messages other than that the fullscreen toggle request was received.

Is this a known bug or did I find something new? Or is this something else?

I run on windows 2000 and xp with these 2 versions, each has the same problem.

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