videolan for students

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videolan for students

Postby vincevince » 28 Nov 2004 15:31

I am a french student in ESC Rouen and i'm supposed to create a project of entreprise. I want to create a tv channel for students which uses the internet to broadcast. I want to find the better technology, the easiest and the cheapest. What we do is showing video in a passive way (not vod), i mean you go on our channel then you see images, as if you were switching on the television.
Can we use videolan ? Is it powerful ? I believe it's a very good idea. What sort of server are we supposed to use if we want to have 1000 viewers (we may use the mpeg4 to stay between 0.5 and 3/4 mb/s ? Please, please help me, i don't know many things in servers !


Postby alan_ » 01 Dec 2004 15:20

hi vincevince !
I want to create a tv channel for students which uses the internet to broadcast.What sort of server are we supposed to use if we want to have 1000 viewers
woowoo, slow down, boy ! Vlc if powerfull, but i don't think it can go that far for now... Even if you can use multicast in order to broadcast your file only once for all viewers, each connection takes a small part of you band... Unless you can upload with a VERY high rate (several megas in upload connection or so) i don't think it is possible. But i may be wrong...

Anyway, just try vlc at least with 1, then more and more clients, you will see it is very powerful. Plus :you don't have to know lot about servers ! just follow the wizard !

Last thing to know : don't make a file with a higher total rate than 300kbps (you will have to choose between Rv10 or Xvid) audio AND video included, otherwise, not a lot of people will have a fast enough connection to view your channel, especially while we are talking about students.



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