OS X icon - change

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.

OS X icon - change

Postby edd1e » 16 Nov 2004 03:05

this is more of a tip than anything, but for those mac users like me who despise the way the hideous VLC icon stands out in the dock, creating a mac-y icon is very easy.

download the cone png on videolan's front page, open it in GraphicConverter, add margins to the right and left of the cone (29 and 28 pixels, respectively) to make it 250x250.
show the alpha channel, and the added margins will appear black. Replace the black margins with white, then hide the alpha channel. Save, quit, open IconComposer (developer utility) and drag the new file into open boxes on the left. Save as vlc.icns and replace vlc.icns in the Resources directory within the application bundle with the new vlc.icns

go to the "get info" screen for the VLC app. click on the icon, press delete. there, you have the cone icon, which looks much better by itself and among all of the other fine members of your dock.

I don't know why the official releases haven't been given a similar replacement icon, but it stands to reason that it should happen.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 47
Joined: 02 Dec 2003 03:15

Postby MikeBell » 16 Nov 2004 09:20

Check these out:


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