JVLC issue on ubuntu

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New Cone
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JVLC issue on ubuntu

Postby genjosanzo » 27 Jan 2009 12:16

Hi every one, i'm trying to switch from the jvlc 0.8.6a to the 0.9.0 version and I have some issue that I can't fix.
Following the guideline provided I cloned the head version from the git, compiled vlc and then installed the jar on my local repository using maven.
Everything seemed to be perfectly working since even the example was running out of the box and I got so excited. But I guess it was too early,because as soon as I tried to implement it in my own player I found out a strange error: as soon as i try to perform the play() method of the object MediaPlayer I get the following error: no meta reader module matched "any".
Checking the example I figured out that there it's still used the Playlist object to perform play/stop/pause operations, while I tryid to use the new suggested policy using insthead the newer objects MediaDescriptor and MediaPlayer instead.
I was wondering if the use case:
-create JVLC
-create the MediaDescriptor for the resource we want to access
-get the MediaPlayer object from the media descriptor
-call the play method of the MediaPlayer
is already working or we still have to rely on the playlist object to perform the rendering of a resource

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: JVLC issue on ubuntu

Postby Orcephrye » 28 Jan 2009 10:34

Um... Yes you should be able to just call the JVLC then create a new MediaDescriptor and then call its player and then play it. If I remember correctly the playlist class is deprecated it is now the MediaList and MediaListPlayer. My recommendation is to build a JavaDoc site from you git folder. Just go to the bindings/java section.. or maybe /bindings/java/core section and do a

Code: Select all

mvn site
That will make a folder called target/site and inside that there be html files with apidocs in there of your JVLC build. Just go to /path/to/git/vlc/folder/bindings/java/core/target/site/apidocs/index.html Very VERY helpful. :-) U can .zip it and add it to netbeans i believe as well. I would also recommend using a new version then 0.9.0 but suit yourself.
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