Why VLMs and Command Lines of VLC 0.9.X Changed!

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Blank Cone
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Why VLMs and Command Lines of VLC 0.9.X Changed!

Postby vibes992000 » 14 Dec 2008 19:11

I'm using Windows 2003 Server (Enterprise) along with VLC Player 0.86i as my main streaming server which streams (WMV2+MP3) from my Capture Card Successfully.

So far I'm automatically loading VLM successfully from the following given command Line as shown below:

Code: Select all

"vlc.exe" --high-priority --http-host="" --marq-size="10" --marq-marquee="Live Broadcast" --marq-position="9" --vlm-conf="c:\vlm.conf" --extraintf="telnet:http"
My Successfull VLM Config is following

Code: Select all

new WMP_256 broadcast enabled loop setup WMP_256 input "dshow://" setup WMP_256 option dshow-vdev="SplitCam Capture" setup WMP_256 option dshow-adev="Osprey-210 Audio Device 1" setup WMP_256 output #transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=148,scale=0.85,fps=10,acodec=mp3,ab=16,channels=1,samplerate=22050}:duplicate{dst=std{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=:82}}
As Far as I use the these Configurations and parameters in VLC 0.86i then they are working fine but if I load these things in VLC 0.9x then VLC Crashes.

I'll request developers to guide me to the latest documentations regarding the Most Recent command lines and VLM Configurations which can launch VLM automatically at vlc start. I searched VLC WIKI but failed to get most relevant command line parameters.

Please Help and tell me why the VLC is always looking to change its basic command lines :(
Last edited by vibes992000 on 15 Dec 2008 06:14, edited 2 times in total.

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Why VLMs and Command Lines of VLC 0.9.X Changed!

Postby thannoy » 15 Dec 2008 00:32


For a global point of view:
- Please do not abuse '!' and MAJ. Lower case is more readable and less aggressive. You will not have more answers with MAJs.
- From 0.8.6 and 0.9, there is around one year and half work. Nobody can expect everything will be the same between those two versions.

For your crash: Have you tried to locate the crash? By disabling marque, http, telnet or high-priority. And try different VLM configs. Also, without the debug traces it will be difficult to help you.

I think the wiki remains the best documentation. A unified Javascript API has been added in 0.8.6, making the old ones deprecated. VLC 0.9. still uses this unified API. You can find it on the wiki (searching for advanced usage and mozilla javascript).

NB: for http interface to work remotely, maybe you will need to modify a file like "hosts". For security reasons, I think it listens localhost as default.

Blank Cone
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Re: Why VLMs and Command Lines of VLC 0.9.X Changed!

Postby vibes992000 » 15 Dec 2008 06:23


For a global point of view:
- Please do not abuse '!' and MAJ. Lower case is more readable and less aggressive. You will not have more answers with MAJs.
- From 0.8.6 and 0.9, there is around one year and half work. Nobody can expect everything will be the same between those two versions.

For your crash: Have you tried to locate the crash? By disabling marque, http, telnet or high-priority. And try different VLM configs. Also, without the debug traces it will be difficult to help you.

I think the wiki remains the best documentation. A unified Javascript API has been added in 0.8.6, making the old ones deprecated. VLC 0.9. still uses this unified API. You can find it on the wiki (searching for advanced usage and mozilla javascript).

NB: for http interface to work remotely, maybe you will need to modify a file like "hosts". For security reasons, I think it listens localhost as default.
Sorry I didn't understood what u meant by saying 'MAJ', anyways I'm really sorry for writing Capital cases, didn't ever thought that they might be interpreted as an aggressive or abusive behavior :oops: .

Thanks very much for your answers :) .

So according to your reply does it means that whatever command line parameters that I have written are valid for the 0.9.x Series as well :o ? I'll give you the debug trace but in the mean time please tell me that am I using the right ways of practices of using command line parameters (like insertion of quotes after every option) or shall I use only Spaces (this I don't recommend as it doesn't recognizes strings containing spaces etc)

Mega Cone Master
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Re: Why VLMs and Command Lines of VLC 0.9.X Changed!

Postby VLC_help » 15 Dec 2008 20:55

Wrong command-line parameters shouldn't crash VLC. My bet would be on dshow part. IIRC someone else also reported problems with Osprey and 0.9.x

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Why VLMs and Command Lines of VLC 0.9.X Changed!

Postby thannoy » 15 Dec 2008 23:48

Sorry I didn't understood what u meant by saying 'MAJ', anyways I'm really sorry for writing Capital cases, didn't ever thought that they might be interpreted as an aggressive or abusive behavior :oops: .
In fact capital letters means you are shouting, which is uneeded. And "maj" is the french for "caps" :).
please tell me that am I using the right ways of practices of using command line parameters
Your command line looks correct to me (from a syntax point of view) for a windows call, but I am not a Windows user. Double quotes are not mendatory in some of your usages, should not be a problem. If you experience problems with quotes and spaces, you can try something like this (equivalent I think): "--param=my value" "--otherParam=other value".

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