No video playback - how can I play files?

*nix specific usage questions
New Cone
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No video playback - how can I play files?

Postby Kwabena39 » 20 Nov 2008 08:20


I had VLC player in one linux distro called Yoper and it played everything from FLV to AVI to Wmv, mpeg, mp4, etc, and it played great.

Now, I've switched to Mepis and I can't get VLC to work. I downloaded it from the Debian repositories under Lenny (Mepis 8)

I'm trying to play a WMV file and I get audio, but no video. On many other formats, like mp4, I don't get anything at all.

So I went into the preferences, settings, etc, and I don't understand what to do, I don't understand about codecs, etc. I'm a newbie when it comes to configuring VLC, because in my previous Linux distro, I didn't have to configure anything. It just played.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 413
Joined: 20 Aug 2008 11:29
VLC version: trunk
Operating System: linux (debian sid)

Re: No video playback - how can I play files?

Postby ivoire » 21 Nov 2008 16:52

I guess you don't have the right codec chipped with your vlc.
Could you type in a consol: vlc --list and paste the result here.

According to you need some more package than just vlc to be able to read videos

But I not sure as I don't know this distribution.

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