Streaming HD MPEG2-TS file, bit rate mismatch on the net

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New Cone
New Cone
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Streaming HD MPEG2-TS file, bit rate mismatch on the net

Postby mdeangel » 23 Oct 2004 23:26

I am using streaming wizard to send an HDTV MPEG2 -TS file previosly recorded from satellite to a VLC client via unicast .
The file is .TS, last 5 minutes and is 420 MBytes long.
This should make about a 12 Mbit/s rate.
If I measure with an analyser the datarate on the network when the file is sent from the VLC server to the VLC client I see something in the range of 19 -20 Mbit/s. It goes to zero if I stop the server.
Why there is a so big increase in the bit rate? I would expect that Ethernet and IP overhead would not add more that 5%.


Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 24 Oct 2004 00:44

My experience only, but there is burstiness when it sends the full frames, as compared to the delta frames. For example, I do low rate, 756K nominal, which absolutely bursts to about 1 Mbps.

Since I do live video, using the default where it runs a full frame like every 200 frames it's a pretty obvious phenomenon -- a little less than every 7 seconds (at 30 fps), there's a BW "bump".

I don't know any way to get rid of that short of transcoding, then you can twiddle with the ffmpeg strictness parameter -- there are a LOT of ffmpeg options available. Transcoding a high def DVD is sure to eat a bit of CPU.

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