Hi everyone,
I know:
When using Overlay to display Video, the VLC-Window is filled with a dark color, that looks as if it was black, but is not exactly the color RGB(0,0,0). That color is shown in screenshots taken of VLC. The movie is "inserted" when the graphics acc. sends the "pixels" to the monitor and will not be stored in the video memory.
What I need to know:
Is that dark color used for the overlay the same color on every machine? Is it the same when the desktop color depth is another one? If it is not always the same, is it OS-Dependant, Direct-X-Dependant, Graphics-Acc.-dependant or VLC-dependant?
My System:
I use Windows XP, but I would like to know if this is also the same on Windows 98,ME and 2000. I use the newest Win-Version of VLC.
Thanks in advance for any replys,
Brian Schimmel