Need help with VLC on my mac!!

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New Cone
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Need help with VLC on my mac!!

Postby maccy-d » 01 Oct 2008 22:16

To anyone who can help me!!
I've been trying really hard to come up with a way to watch dvds of different region codes as I live in both Australia and the UK and travel to the US quite frequently. I have tried to set up vlc player on my 13" black MacBook but it doesn't seem to work! Whenever I enter a dvd that is of different region code to my hard drive it doesn't play. I click on the open button and it says under DVD - /dev/rdisk1 but once I try to open it the disk tries to load over and over again but just doesn't play. I also get this yellow '!' next to the name of the disk.
Is anyone able to help me? I'm desperate!!

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Need help with VLC on my mac!!

Postby madmax_2069 » 02 Oct 2008 13:12

have you searched using google lately. its called multi regon (or unlocked) optical drives, you have to flash the firmware in the drive to be able to play dvd's from a diffrent regon.

on most drives they allow you to set the drive 3 times , but the 3rd time the drive becomes hard locked to the regon you set it to,then the drive cant be flashed to unlock.

most of these optical drives in the macbook and MBP cant be flashed from what i have seen. i could be wrong

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