Subtitles from file don't work if watching directly from DVD

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Subtitles from file don't work if watching directly from DVD

Postby jackkk » 24 Sep 2008 10:43

Hi !
I have a little problem : the subtitles I have on a separate file don't work when I watch a movie directly from my DVD but they do work if the movie is on the hard disk this normal.
Can you have subtitles working when you watch a movie from a DVD only if they are alreay on the DVD ?

Thanks a lot in advance !

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Re: Subtitles from file don't work if watching directly from DVD

Postby jackkk » 24 Sep 2008 11:39

OK got it, I guess it really dipends on the format of the video you are reading. If you read a video that is on the hard disk but is in a vob format it still doesn't work but if you take an .avi it works.

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Re: Subtitles from file don't work if watching directly from DVD

Postby jackkk » 24 Sep 2008 12:26

Still I don't know how to get subtitles to work if I have a movie on a DVD and the subtitles on a separate file ...the movie is in the .vob format..any solution ?!

I mean obviously I could copy the DVD on the hard disk and then change the format and so on but its too long !

Any ideas?
Thanks a lot anyone !

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Re: Subtitles from file don't work if watching directly from DVD

Postby The DJ » 24 Sep 2008 15:13

It is because our DVD module currently is unable to provide accurate FPS and timestamp information, which is needed to sync the subtitles. Note that in theory it could be done, but that we simply do not support it right now. It requires a bit too much work to implement and we have different priorities atm.
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