VLC player does not install on SUSE 10.2

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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VLC player does not install on SUSE 10.2

Postby willem1940NLD » 21 Aug 2008 22:49

I followed
for install of VLC media player on SUSE 10.2 and got various error messages, a.o (I translate from Dutch):

- a conflict about vlc==0.8.6.h-4.4(vlc) requires te removal of still to be installed vlc-0.8.6.h-4.4.i586[20080821-211855]
- libmatroska no installable provider

Unchecking some of the 10 boxes does not help.
Als het regent in Limburg, kan het op Aarde best mooi weer zijn.

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