Security-Issue VideoLan-Download: Missing ?!? md5 hash ?!?

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Security-Issue VideoLan-Download: Missing ?!? md5 hash ?!?

Postby loser » 27 Jul 2008 14:57

Hi everybody

First I want to say that I really like vlc pretty much and I don't want to piss you off, I just my thoughts on this issue...
I couldn't find the md5-hash for the current version of videolan media player. Is it missing or just hard to find? Where is it? Or did I overlook it ? - then forget the rest ;-)
I think its quite a security-issue if you can't check the Download via md5, because videolan is an open-source project (... I Like ;-) and everybody can get the source, manipulate it and put it onto a third party-server... and the users wouldn't notice that because it looks and feels like the "real" vlc.
If its missing it would be nice if you could list it for the future releases... somewhere outside the wiki-Release-Notes... where not everybody can change it....
Just my thoughts...

Thx in advance


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Re: Security-Issue VideoLan-Download: Missing ?!? md5 hash ?!?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 27 Jul 2008 20:10

md5 are on the FTP.
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