How to show Video in small Excel "box" or merged cells

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 30
Joined: 14 Sep 2006 06:22

How to show Video in small Excel "box" or merged cells

Postby sam63 » 23 Jun 2008 01:07

I'm a teacher that have 5th grade students on laptops that I bought for them in school. They use excel 2000 and have a math program that I made for them. I use VLC on there laptops to show tutorials and now I want to show them in a "box" in the lower right corner of Excel. Is there a way to use VLC's active X to call and control the position and size of the box as well as a borderless screen and no menus so students can play around with menus and right mouse menus?

thanks for helping my classroom,

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 30
Joined: 14 Sep 2006 06:22

Re: How to show Video in small Excel "box" or merged cells

Postby sam63 » 22 Mar 2011 22:53

I'm a 5th grade teacher that entered this message 4+ years ago and I'm still interested in any help. I would like to control VLC from within the student's excel program so only the program would determine the start and end times as well as the student couldn't close VLC until the Excel program wanted it closed. Same with pause and play. Basically, no skin except a border around the video.

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