It Doesn't Load VLM files/VLC

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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It Doesn't Load VLM files/VLC

Postby TheWindWaker » 02 May 2008 21:18

When I execute the telnet interface VLC doesn't load the VLM files and it doesn't open VLC. The result I get is this:

VLC media player 0.8.6d Janus
[00000263] main interface: creating VLM
[00000263] telnet interface: using the VLM interface plugin...
[00000263] telnet interface: telnet interface started on interface 4212

and it doesn't open the VLC. I prove with telnet instructions but I don't get anything. I don't know what to do.


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Re: It Doesn't Load VLM files/VLC

Postby dionoea » 07 May 2008 18:57

Could you provide a bit more detail about what you're trying to do and how you're trying to do it?
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

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