Questions about how to stream live channels

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 26
Joined: 30 Jan 2008 18:38

Questions about how to stream live channels

Postby sozz » 05 Feb 2008 11:27

Hello everyone,

I want to create a dedicate server running Gentoo, with 4 Hauppauge pvr-500 ... 00mce.html which means that I can have 8 tuners. The video server it will be VLC

As a STB I have SBOX 6100 of Stino It only reads mpeg2, so that must be the codec that I'll have to use.

I have several questions:

1.- How can I do to stream those channels?, I want to watch it through the STB and at a different computer.

2.- What do I have to do if I want to stream to the STB of my friend? How he has to configure the STB? I know that I have to do multicast, but I don't be sure of how. Because one day I was trying to stream a video, I put the VLC at two differents computers and then I started the streaming, both at the same IP, I only can watch one of them. That's OK but what I was thinking is that I was going to get an error... :?

3.- The last thing that I want to do it is that everytime I turn on the computer start streaming. For that I supposed that I'll have to do all in command line, right?

That's all for now.

Any help will be grateful

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