Transcoded material has green 'squares' - missing key frame?

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Transcoded material has green 'squares' - missing key frame?

Postby Steerpike » 26 Sep 2007 07:33

I've transcoded dozens of mpeg files to wmv format, using a variety of settings. They all seem to have a 'bunch of green' squares on the first frame or two, then it settles down to perfect video.

Sample: ... nStart.jpg
(this example has more 'green squares' than typical).

I've searched the forums, and the suggestion seems to be, a missing key frame in the source, so the transcoded output has nothing to base the first few frames on until it gets a proper key frame. Makes sense. But - I'm editing the input mpeg files using an mpeg editor (MPEG-VCR) which is supposedly designed specifically to only output compliant MPEG, with keyframes, etc.

I've also tried transcoding straight from a vob (no MPEG-VCR cuts), and also transcoding to mp4 instead of wmv; same 'green squares' on startup.

Is there any way to avoid this, and if not, can I use VLC to edit out the first few frames to remove this green, without degrading the image? Thanks!

New Cone
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Re: Transcoded material has green 'squares' - missing key frame?

Postby mobottomred » 22 Jun 2008 07:19

I have not found a solution to the "green squares" that appear in the first several frames of wmv files transcoded from certain flv files.

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