LibVLC license

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LibVLC license

Postby dcondevigo » 13 Aug 2007 10:14


Are there any plans to release libvlc with an LGPL license?

Thanks in advance.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: LibVLC license

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 18 Aug 2007 00:23

There were some questions about it, but I don't think this is probable. Why ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: LibVLC license

Postby dcondevigo » 19 Aug 2007 17:41

I think that a LGPL license for the library (I'm talking only about the library, the player an other compoments could remain with GPL license) would increase (even more) the use of this excelent software in other proyects that have licenses not compatible with the GPL license.

This applies also to the the bindings (I saw other posts asking similar questions). A LGPL license would remove doubts about the fair uses of the bindings.

In the Java case, a library of java bindings with an LGPL license (or a GPL license with the Classpath exception) with the features that VLC provides would be the solution for a lot of projects trying to have a decent multimedia library in Java.

Well ... it was only a (crazy) idea.

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