Streaming doubst

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New Cone
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Joined: 30 Apr 2007 19:24

Streaming doubst

Postby crashuid » 30 Apr 2007 19:28

Hello, im newbie in this video stuff.
In first I want to apologize my self for my horrible english. I hope
that you can understand.

In my proejct I need to stream a video from a java server to a
java client and I want to ask you some questions about the streaming
logic. I think you are the right guys.

I will not use RTP but I think that the same theory can be applied here.

I have a YUV file in my har disk, and to stream the file what I really
have to do, to the streamed video make any sense at the client side?

I will use UDP..soo in each UDP packet I will send a frame from the
video? I think I cant just open the file and send it to the client and
hope that video will be fine at the client.

Please can you give me any tips? Any resources to read?

Thank you a lot.

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