Mjpg to mp4v ok on win32 but fails on Linux

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Mjpg to mp4v ok on win32 but fails on Linux

Postby BenChe » 16 Apr 2007 18:11


I try to transcode then send on RTP a MJPEG stream. It works perfectly on windows XP but it fails on Linux (Debian) : VLC seems to not create the transcode and RTP chain and I don't find any SDP file.

Here is my Windows XP command:
vlc -vvv --reset-config --no-audio --sout "#transcode:rtp" --sout-transcode-vcodec="mp4v" --sout-transcode-vb=64 --sout-transcode-scale=1.0 --sout-rtp-dst="" --sout-rtp-ttl="127" --sout-rtp-sdp="file://C:/temp/axiscam.sdp" --sout-rtp-port-video=7000 --http-proxy "XXX:3128" "http://XXXX:YYYY/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=160x120&text=0&clock=1&date=0&fps=1"
Logs : http://paste.videolan.org/1654
If I open the SDP file (C:/temp/axiscam.sdp) with Quicktime it works great.

But if fails on Linux:
Here is my Linux command: (not on the same network):
vlc -vvv --reset-config --no-audio --sout "#transcode:rtp" --sout-transcode-vcodec mp4v --sout-transcode-vb 64 --sout-transcode-scale 1 --sout-rtp-dst --sout-rtp-ttl 127 --sout-rtp-sdp file:///tmp/axiscam.sdp --sout-rtp-port-video 7001 ""
Logs : http://paste.videolan.org/1657
There is no file in /tmp/

I tried also this syntax:
vlc -vvv :no-audio "" :sout='#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=64,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=rtp{dst=,ttl=127,sdp=file:///tmp/axiscam.sdp,port-video=7001}}'
Logs: http://paste.videolan.org/1655

Both fails on Linux, no SDP file found in /tmp.

I tried with VLC 0.8.6a.
Can somebody help me?

Thanks a lot,


Blank Cone
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Postby osmanosman » 16 Apr 2007 22:21

I had got the same problem. Then I downloaded vlc0.6a source and I installed vlc from source code in debian testing. It must be work..

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 16 Apr 2007 17:55

Postby BenChe » 17 Apr 2007 09:54

Thank you Osmanosman,
I upgraded to Debian testing, and it works with the VLC version of Testing (ie without recompiling). The Debian package is called : 0.8.6a.debian-6


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