Traffic pylon/road cone or director's megaphone???

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Traffic pylon/road cone or director's megaphone???

Postby Reven » 06 Feb 2007 02:28

I have been curious for a while about VLC's logo. Specifically, I am wondering what it is supposed to be.

The fact that the mouth on it, and the fact that VLC is generally associated with movie playing makes me believe that the intention was for it to be an old-fashioned movie director's megaphone. What confuses me is the square base on it. Megaphones never had square bases - that would be a traffic pylon (in the UK I think these are referred to as road cones).

I think there is no one who, as a kid, hasn't taken a traffic pylon and used it as a pretend megaphone. My brothers used to rip them off all the time, and so we always had one or two in our garage. I used to use it as a megaphone all the time as a kid - much to the distress of my mother and neighbours. I am wondering if the designer of the logo did this, or saw someone do this, and confused the design of a traffic pylon with a director's megaphone.

Here is a photo of an actual director's megaphone.
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Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 Feb 2007 08:01

Allright. It is NOT a megaphone.

The only logo that could seem a megaphone is the one on this forum and is not the official logo.

The origin is just when some of the developers at the beginning had fun, a late night, with a bunch of pylons that are always hanging around in The Ecole Centrale Paris' campus. The pylon has then always be a icon of geeks in Centrale Paris.
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