I've a web page with the VLC Control on it which works (more or less but I think this is either my fault or a point for another post) as it was intended. Sometimes I get a 'Usage' error command line window which in addition creates a file 'vlc-help.txt' with the syntax of a regular vlc.exe call (starting with: Usage: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\axvlc.dll [options] [stream] ...).
Now, what happens? The page does NOT work ONLY if I start the page from inside some windows application using the URL as the name of the program to start. In this case Windows will start the IE7 (in my configuration) with the -nohome option. The VLC control although hosted seems to parse the command line and fails seeing this option.
Now the question: is it possible to tell the ActiveX control to get its hands off the command line?