Multiple Network Cards

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Multiple Network Cards

Postby Yapadavaro » 13 Dec 2006 12:37


I'm using VLC ActiveX for playing multicast streams (coming from Anevia DVB Gateway :lol: ).
I have 2 network cards on my PC.
The metric is set to automatic for both.
Sometimes, the player can't received multicast streams because it binds on the wrong network interface.
My work-around is to change the metric (the smaller for the network which received multicast).

But is there a way to specify the interface to use with the ActiveX ?

I have tried to set ":iface-addr=" (for exemple) in the array but it doesn't seems to work.

Thanks for your replies.

vlc v0.8.5 / ActiveX under IE 6 sp2

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