Set streaming title, artist, coyright, etc data

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Set streaming title, artist, coyright, etc data

Postby djlyon » 26 Nov 2006 02:49


I'm using VLC 0.8.5 as a streaming server, and people connect to it using an embedded Windows Media Player in a browser. How can I set title, artist, coyright, etc so it will not show up just an IP address an then blank, like in the picture below?

Best regards,
Dj Lyon

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 27 Nov 2006 00:15

I don't think VLCs asf muxer supports metadata
You would have to code it yourself.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

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Postby djlyon » 27 Nov 2006 08:20

Ok, thanks!
But I'll just have to wait until someone else codes it instead :)

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