tivo with VLC?

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tivo with VLC?

Postby mchahn » 21 Nov 2006 10:11

I see that tylib.dll now ships with VLC. How is this used with a TIVO? I tried using a tivo://xxx url to my tivo running vstream but it didn't recognize that.

Everyone points to the year-old web page for tivo-vlc, but the modules there obviously won't run on any recent VLC. I noticed that page has an old plugin library file for vstream as well as the tylib.dll. Is there some source for the vstream library that I can compile?

I can play my tivo streams with windows media player but I would really prefer to use VLC.
Mark C Hahn

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Postby khayman » 23 Nov 2006 17:20

The code is in sourceforge. You can get the latest from CVS: http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=134740

There are build notes in the source tree. You will want to compile both the ty and vstream plugins. Although the ty plugin is included with the standard VLC distribution, apparently it is an old version.

You will need to make a small change to vstream.h to include vlc_url.h: http://dealdatabase.com/forum/showthrea ... post256404

If you manage to compile and get these working, please post your binaries. I tried for 2 days before giving up. (I had problems getting the general vlc compile working, nothing specific to these modules.)



Blank Cone
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Postby mchahn » 23 Nov 2006 19:44

Thanks mucho. I do have a working VLC build going so it shouldn't be too hard.

It would be a great project for a Thanksgiving day where I need to avoid relatives. :-)
Mark C Hahn

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Postby The DJ » 24 Nov 2006 23:44

Please do invest your time in VLC+Tivo instead of your relatives :D
The plugin definitely seems to need it.
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Postby mchahn » 24 Nov 2006 23:53

VStream uses an old playlist api. A search on these forums for my error messages confirmed this.

I am new to the vlc code and if anyone could point me to some description of how the new playlist api replaces the old, I would greatly appreciate it. Maybe some example of a conversion already done or maybe some code comments about this or maybe two versions to diff?
Mark C Hahn

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Postby mchahn » 25 Nov 2006 08:12

I got it to work! It opens the .asx file from tivowebplus 1.3.1 and the picture looks great and hopping around works. Even HDTV plays for a few seconds after each hop. I think my laptop wifi is too slow for HDTV. Windows media player wouldn't even try to play HDTV.

I had to comment out the /plist feature that filled the playlist with all the shows in the tivo because I couldn't figure out the new playlist api conversion needed. For some strange reason I also had to put in my own defines for ntohl and ntohs because they weren't defined anywhere.

I have it running on the SVN snapshot from 11/15/06. If I should build it for some other release let me know.

I am running it from my build tree. Someone else needs to figure out how the two files should be named/configured to be used in the normal release plugins folder. I'd like to move every executable over to my normal "program files" location but I don't know how.

I also need someone to tell me how to post the files. Nothing on this reply page mentions attachments.

Sorry about all my ignorance but this is all new to me. It is amazing I was able to make it work.
Mark C Hahn

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Postby khayman » 25 Nov 2006 23:07


I encountered the ntohl/ntohs problems, too, but if I remember correctly, modifying configure.ac according to vstream/README_BUILD fixed this:
Also add "vstream" (without quotes) to the list of modules in these 3 places:
* in the VLC_ADD_LDFLAGS section around line 160 for section "mingw32" where it specifies -lws2_32.
The line number is obviously from an older version, but it should be something like this (from 0.8.5):

Code: Select all

if test "${SYS}" = "mingw32"; then # add ws2_32 for closesocket, select, recv CPPFLAGS_save="${CPPFLAGS_save} -D_OFF_T_ -D_off_t=long"; CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS_save}" VLC_ADD_LDFLAGS([vlc],[-lws2_32 -lnetapi32 -lwinmm -mwindows]) VLC_ADD_LDFLAGS([cdda vcdx cddax],[-lwinmm]) VLC_ADD_LDFLAGS([ipv4 ipv6 access_http access_mms access_udp access_tcp access_ftp access_output_udp sap slp http stream_out_standard stream_out_rtp vod_rtsp telnet netsync growl vstream],[-lws2_32]) fi

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Postby The DJ » 27 Nov 2006 00:14

I'll fix the playlist code for you if you need to.

Or look in the modules/demux/playlist dir of vlc trunk to see how the playlist functions do similar things.
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Postby mchahn » 27 Nov 2006 00:42

I don't really want to work on the playlist stuff since I never use it. I like tivowebplus to list my choices for me and then have the link in the web page launch vlc with the .asx file.

Other than that there isn't anything wrong with the latest vstream and ty code.

Let me know if anyone wants my binaries. If you do, you'll have to tell me how to post them.
Mark C Hahn

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Postby archibael » 03 May 2007 01:45

I'll fix the playlist code for you if you need to.

Or look in the modules/demux/playlist dir of vlc trunk to see how the playlist functions do similar things.
Is this offer still open? I do use the playlist as my primary interface, and it's pretty broken when compiled against 0.8.6-- it compiles okay, but the behavior is awful (loops infinitely). While I can code little stuff, my preliminary checkout of the VLC source tree indicates it doesn't fall into that category for me. :oops:

Can you assist? I'd be happy to help and to provide the results for anyone who wants them, I just can't do the primary work.

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Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 03 May 2007 10:34

What do you want/mean? Please provide more details.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Postby archibael » 26 May 2007 01:27

What do you want/mean? Please provide more details.
Sorry, didn't realize the original post was in "VLC... for Windows". I was having problems with the playlist portion of the Tivo/vstream plugin for VLC in Linux and noticed DJ here discussing helping someone fix it. I'll move my request to the Linux forum instead. My bad.

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