vls win2k server

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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vls win2k server

Postby andre » 10 Dec 2003 11:32


I installed vls in win2k pro and started the server.
Then I tried to log in to the server through telnet (telnet 9999).
Telnet asks for a user and password, at this point I am stuck.
In vls.cfg there are some examples of users, but these examples are clearly related to linux. How do I use the win2k users and passwords to obtain access to the server?
For example say that on my PC I use "admin" as user and "pieter" as password, what entry should I insert into vls.cfg?

Thanks in advance

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 115
Joined: 25 Nov 2003 10:48

Postby BigBen » 11 Dec 2003 15:33

well, on linux, passwords are md5 encrypted...

On windows, just rempalce the md5 code by the password in plain text.

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