Why use VideoLan?

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Why use VideoLan?

Postby Steve » 07 Dec 2003 03:37

I just just found the VideoLan site and I'm wondering if VideoLan is something I could use. I have some training videos on a shared hard drive on one of the Windows 2000 computers on my network. I use Windows Media Player on another Windiows 2000 computer to access and play these videos. This works fine and there is no learning curve. What could VideoLan do for me that Windows Media Player can't do?

Steve Smith

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 608
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 10:59

Postby Gibalou » 08 Dec 2003 00:01

Nothing at all.

VideoLan is mainly useful for realtime content streaming. Think DVB channels, video acquistion cards, webcams, etc...

For static content there is usually no reason to use VLC/VLS (well there actually are a few like on-the-fly transcoding, etc... but mainly for power users).

That being said, VLC is also a featurefull media player that does handle a lot more formats than the basic windows media player.


Postby Stever » 08 Dec 2003 04:28

I see. Thanks for your reply.

Steve Smith

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