How can I change the Xvid decoder on VLC

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How can I change the Xvid decoder on VLC

Postby Ja » 15 May 2006 17:25

Can I change another Xvid decoder on VLC?
(without using the build-in one)

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Postby dionoea » 15 May 2006 23:30

You can't.
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Re: How can I change the Xvid decoder on VLC

Postby StarChild » 17 May 2006 07:25

Can I change another Xvid decoder on VLC?
(without using the build-in one)
You can't.
Ok folks... To call the question: Is there a way to get VLC to access external codecs, or are we limited to what comes in the plugins directory?

If the latter, then what provisions are made for codec improvements or additions within VLC? For instance, the DivX 6.2 codec is available. Since I do a number of things with .avi and DivX files, including DivX DVDs for my TV player, I'd like to ensure that my favorite media player (VLC, of course!) is up to date enough to play them on my pc as well.

Any thoughts?
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Postby Guest » 17 May 2006 13:07

You can Hack VLC to support external codecs. VLC for Windows supports DMO (WMV3 support in Windows) but I think DivX doesn't. But on normal cases you are stuck with Plugins directory stuff.

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Postby The DJ » 17 May 2006 21:03

Which shouldn't matter, since any Divx/Xvid should play regardless.

ffmpeg/xvid/divx are all FULL implementations of the MPEG4-part2 standard and they can all play eachothers mpeg-4.

(VLC of course does not fully support the peculiar fileformat .divx which actually is .avi with some proprietary extensions. However this has nothing to do with DivX VIDEO).
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Postby StarChild » 18 May 2006 01:34

Which shouldn't matter, since any Divx/Xvid should play regardless. [...]
And, to the moment, they do. What I'm looking for, if possible, is:

1. To understand when/how new or updated codecs are included in the player, and,

2. A way for users to expand beyond the basics, as they deem necessary, and possibly return their gifts to you as completed packages, plugins, whatever...

Are these possible?
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Postby darkninja07 » 01 Jun 2006 03:21

I am actually having some problems with DivX encoded .avi files on my VLC 0.8.5, and they work fine in Windows Media Player with the DivX 6.0+ codec and the Combined Community Codec Pack installed. They audio playback is fine, but at a few spots, the video is a bit jittery, or even freezes for a few seconds before returning to normal with the audio. The files are .avi and are encoded with the DivX 5.0 codec (checked with GSpot). Any ideas would be much appreciated :)

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Postby DJ » 01 Jun 2006 03:34

It has been noted that the CCCP uses the Haali media splitter this seems to create problems (conflicts) for the transcode functions of VLC. This was first noticed in 0.8.4 and continues through present examining updates for both Haali and VLC. It should also be noted that the problems do go away when the Haali splitter is removed however Windows does not go back the way it was before the Haali splitter was installed.

I have tried quite a few DivX 6 files and have experienced no problems outside the fact that VLC will not support DivX subtitles or menus.

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Postby darkninja07 » 01 Jun 2006 05:55

Well I had tried uninstalling the DivX Bundle, CCCP, and VLC. Then I rebooted, re-installed VLC 0.8.5, and then rebooted again. I still had the same problems even after I did this and the DivX Bundle and CCCP were still uninstalled. Is there a way to fix this problem? (btw, the files use the DivX 5.0 codec, not 6.0, so idk if that makes a difference....)

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Postby DJ » 01 Jun 2006 06:32

I'm sorry to hear you went through all of that. I probably could have saved you a bit of time and or effort. The DivX 5, 6 or 6.1 package for Direct Show does not in any way effect VLC. The Halli splitter effects VLC's transcode functions only and revolves around it's implementation of OGG/OGM. Not the common AVI container used for DivX. Of coarse DivX can be stored in the OGM container but is not as common except for anime people. But even this is changing in favor of the Matroska (MKA/MKV) container because of the incompatibilities of various implementations of OGG/OGM.

If the file(s) you are having trouble with are in the AVI container and VLC is not triggering the rebuild index function the file may still be corrupted at some given point and may be viewed near that point in Messages. However DivX will generally give some warning before it stops playing in the way of blocky video. To the best of my knowledge there is no fix for this problem, other than download the file again or reincode the file. One of the things I do so love about DivX. :roll:

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Postby darkninja07 » 01 Jun 2006 06:45

Well I ran the file in Windows Media Player with DivX bundle and CCCP installed and it worked perfectly fine, so I'm pretty positive that the file isnt corrupted. Re-encoding really isn't an option because its part of a series and I would like to keep all the files in their original states. So other than that there is no solution to fix VLC?

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Postby DJ » 01 Jun 2006 12:55

I find it interesting that it is always anime and part of a series and there is never any mention of blockyness at certain points during the program or VLC Messages is never included. I have often wondered if it is the same series and the user NEVER wants to risk downloading it again. Must be a real bitch!

NO! there is nothing that is going to help you other than what has already been mentioned.

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