Pls help ....

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Pls help ....

Postby frioan » 12 May 2006 00:44

Hello ! It is possible to stream a video to multicast using tcp not udp protocol ? :?:

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 33
Joined: 08 May 2006 05:28
Location: Texas

TCP or UDP (was Pls help ....)

Postby StarChild » 12 May 2006 11:35

Hello ! It is possible to stream a video to multicast using tcp not udp protocol ? :?:
That would seem to depend on the method of transmission. If the originator sends via UDP, its very unlikely, without several translation applications, that you could transcode it to TCP.

If you'll forgive the simplistic description, TCP is like a point-to-point transmission, obeying discreet packeting sizes, transmission modes and file-checking; whereas UDP is more of an indiscreet, broadband mode that carries more data (bigger chunks -- like video), but is a lot less fennicky about its file checking. Each has its good and bad points; both are valuable in their own ways.

Why the need to change?

History is three men in a room agreeing to a lie...


Pls help ...

Postby frioan » 12 May 2006 23:40

Sorr for my english ... :( and thanks for you respond ! I need to streaming to TCP not UDP because i have problems when use UDP for transmission live my tvtunner to network people ! The images transmission is good just only when people in the nework is not use a transfer large files ... When people use network switchs 100 Mb for copy large or many files then transmission from vlc server to clients is poorly :( The images from client vlc is distortion with square and color blends )
My network are composed 7 switchs and UTP CAT5 100 Mb link ! I testing a unicast connection with HTTP (TCP) not UDP multicast and this problems not exist ! So think the problems is from UDP .... Pls help me :)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 33
Joined: 08 May 2006 05:28
Location: Texas

Re: Pls help ...

Postby StarChild » 15 May 2006 00:44

Sorr for my english ... :( and thanks for you respond ! I need to streaming to TCP not UDP because i have problems when use UDP for transmission live my tvtunner to network people ! The images transmission is good just only when people in the nework is not use a transfer large files ... When people use network switchs 100 Mb for copy large or many files then transmission from vlc server to clients is poorly :( The images from client vlc is distortion with square and color blends )
My network are composed 7 switchs and UTP CAT5 100 Mb link ! I testing a unicast connection with HTTP (TCP) not UDP multicast and this problems not exist ! So think the problems is from UDP .... Pls help me :)
Ok... Then why not adjust your outbound stream to limit both packet size and frequency. You could probably set the whole package inside a http:, and force it to IP after you've adjusted your stream... Look at the way websites stream their video, and copy them... Would that work? -- at worst, examine the source code from a page with streaming video, and snag the code...
History is three men in a room agreeing to a lie...

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