combine 2 input streams using - es

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 42
Joined: 11 May 2006 03:28
VLC version: 0.8.x 0.9.x
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Location: California, USA

combine 2 input streams using - es

Postby jchambers » 11 May 2006 08:42

Hello all, I am very new to VLC so any help is appreciated.

Are either of these even close to correct?

try one
vlc -vvv input_stream :sout={#es{access=file,mux=ts,url_audio='c:\Output.wmv',url_video='c:\Output2.wmv'}:duplicate={dst=display}}

try two
vlc -vvv input_stream --sout '#es{access=file,mux=ts,url_audio=c:\Output.wmv,url_video=c:\Output2.wmv}:duplicate={dst=display}'

Thank you,

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 31
Joined: 17 Mar 2006 15:02

Postby wang » 11 May 2006 10:26

Good question, I'll try to investigate it !!!

Could you post the answer, if you get it before I do?

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